A man was so distraught by the accidental death of his dog that he put up a sign in his yard as a warning for speeding drivers coming through his neighborhood.
The sign was posted in the man’s lawn and included a threat to drivers coming through the neighborhood at high speed.
“We buried our dog last week because you won’t slow down,” the sign read. “If you hit 1 of my kids your family may be burying you.”
The photo was originally posted to Reddit and quickly went viral after it was shared.
“I never understand why people speed through neighborhoods…or parking lots. Seriously…what’s the logic in that?” one commenter asked on the original post.
Many readers applauded the man for putting up the sign and making a strong statement about safety.
“Love the sign. People drive way too fast in neighborhoods. More than 20 is to fast. Kids on bikes. Kids playing in their own yard and a ball goes in the street, it happens. So why is there this problem. Well it’s because people are f**king idiots. Plain and simple,” one reader commented on Facebook.
“Damn straight! One of my dogs got away from me and the woman who ran over him didn’t even slow down. Just ran over him. Same could happen to a child,” another wrote.
“f people would slow down they might get to where their going without any problems. Because the place their going won’t move before they get there,” noted a third