The absolute classic phrase you might have heard is, in the service industry, “The customer is always right”, but as always there are some people out there who prove this wrong!
We all know, those of us who have worked in a service job especially, what this phrase really means, there are some who think that, sadly, they are better than everyone else and insist that they are treated that way, almost like a king or queen, and treat customer service like peasants.
This woman in this story is working at the check-in counter for an airline is not real, but illustrates a really clever way to deal with quite terribly rude people, customers that is! Her retort to a very not so respectful passenger show him his place in a polite and professional way, it also made me howl with laughter!
Go further down this page to read the story and don’t even think twice to share it, the woman retort is completely amazing! The woman at the check-in desk at LaGuardia Airport in New York needs to have a medal for how she dealt with this nasty customer!
Have you ever dealt with an irate customer? This is the one for you guy n gals!