You can easily find a little fuel oil at a motorcycle repair shop or a similar place. This type of oil has an unpleasant smell that scares mice. Pouring fuel oil into places where mice often go and live will scare them away.
Moreover, if mice touch this type of oil, they will have to run away to clean it. Ingesting fuel oil will cause rats to be poisoned and di:e.
Use crushed celery: In celery contains sodium which can cause rats to have bloating. If you put a little crushed celery and a bowl of water next to the rat’s hole, they will eat the celery and drink the water because they are dehydrated. The potatoes will expand in the stomach causing the rats to di:e…
Drive rats out of the house with chili powder
Drive rats out with chili powder is a simple but very effective way. If you remove the mice and scare them, they will come back and bite even more after a while. So there is a better way to chase the mice out of the house.
Just sprinkle a little chili powder around the corners of the house or places where mice often visit in your house to chase away the mice.
With many mice in the house, you can mix a solution with chili powder to spray and spray many places in the house.
The mixed solution includes water and 2 tablespoons of chili powder, add a little vegetable oil and detergent.
Mint leaves
Many other types of insects such as cockroaches, mosquitoes, and mice are also very uncomfortable with the smell of mint. Therefore, mint leaves will be a useful way to repel mice and mosquitoes from your home.
This method is quite simple and easy because you can use mint leaves, mint essential oil or mint-scented starch to repel mice. Planting mint plants in your home is also an effective way to repel mice.